Sunday, December 10, 2017

Great New Product Coming Soon!

It is difficult to show in photos how amazing this product truly shows off your work, especially in polymer clay jewelry.
Here are two photos that I hope can give you some idea of this non yellowing, window clear, tough hard surface whether a thin veneer or a thick domed item.

Solarez is the brand name for a line of UV cure resins that are no mix. Many cure in under one minute, and some in as little as 5 seconds. The remarkable elements of this resin -- besides being no mix, and thus no waste-- are many. It will not harden or cure unless exposed to ultraviolet light -- either the sunshine or from a UV light source. When using any of the products in the shade or under an incandescent light, you can work it as long as needs must as it will not even begin to set until exposed to some source of UV light.

I have secured a dealership for this product in Canada and will shortly be posting videos and more information on how to purchase these super, superior, resin products. After much experimenting and working with both jewelry and woodworking artisans, I decided to carry some of these products. In the New Year they will be available via Visit this site often for further reports. For additional information, please send your email address to

Great Sale on All Supplies

Come and find what you need to create wonderful things!